Kamis, 21 Januari 2010


Someone who has a high knowledge, can transmit his knowledge to others. He also can pass the (induction) the power of science is at an object. The transmitted power of science in general, can survive until a few weeks, several months and some even years.
Such a capability, is still owned by certain people in Indonesia. At the time of the independence war, the people who were quite capable as a lot of merit. They participate directly burn the spirit of the fighters. Way, among others, is to "fill" a piece of yellow bamboo with a certain power. Advanced fighters into battle with the yellow bamboo strips that have been filled to double the excitement, because he believed he would survive the battle.
The ability to fill something of a power in this thing too often done on a keris. Keris-keris filled in this manner are generally not made by masters of the keris, but made a good blacksmith or the keris. That is why, tuahnya keris from the field or induction, is usually not very nice product. Because such a keris maker is not master, but a clever keris or ordinary blacksmith. In fact, often such a keris form does not follow the rules specified in Pakem Kris.

Not Tools Killer

Although classified as stabbing weapons, the keris is made not merely to kill. Keris more as a weapon in a symbolic sense. Kris therefore also considered to have supernatural powers. For those who believe, keris can increase a person of courage. Keris can avoid the attack of pest outbreaks and plant diseases. Keris can get rid of bad spirits. Keris can help facilitate the search for sustenance. In short, kris tuahnya can be utilized, thereby providing safety assistance to owners and those around him. There is also kris-kris really used to kill, for example keris used by executioners court to carry out the sentence of death row inmates. But the usefulness as a tool of this killer and even a special ceremonial character.
Keris is a piece of art that includes a wrought art, sculpture and carving, the art form, and figurative art. Making is always accompanied by certain prayers, incantations and special ceremony. The first prayer of a master when it will start making the keris is appealing to the Almighty, so that the keris made if done later will not mecelakakan owner or anyone else. The prayers were also followed by tapabrata, among others, not sleeping, not eating, not touching the opposite sex at certain times.
Keris-making raw materials are iron, steel and prestige materials. This prestige materials there are two kinds. First, rock or meteorite meteorites that contain the element titanium. Other prestige material is nickel. Iron and prestige repeatedly beaten, many-layered, at least 64 layers. Generally about 360 layers and the most 4264 layers. Only after that, to get good sharpness, inserted a thin layer of steel in the blades. All the objects covered, although thin, will always be stronger than the original object. The theory was already known to our ancestors centuries ago. Compare with plywood (plywood) and helical steel wire, as we know in today's modern world.
Options will stone meteorites that contain the element titanium, also an amazing discoveries of our ancestors. Because titanium proved to have many advantages compared with other metals. Element is hard, strong, lightweight and corrosion resistant. In modern civilization titanium protective layer used for spacecraft, rockets and intercontinental missiles.

Original Indonesian Culture

Keris is a genuine culture of Indonesia. Although the ancestors of the Indonesian people are Hindu and Buddhist, have never found evidence that the culture of the keris originated from India or other countries. If at the temples on the island of Java found relief (relief) which describes the shape of the keris weapon, then at temples in India or another country that never existed.
Even the precious weapon, was never there in the history of Indian culture. A similar form of weapon with the keris was never there in the country.
Some Westerners writing the book mentions that in Persia (now Iran) had also been a precious gun culture that is similar to Indonesian kris. Some types of ancient weapons made in Iran are decorated with some kind of gold painting on the surface of the blade. Decorative technique that images on the blade is done by the scratch groove, so that the blade cuts and scratches in the plot were inserted gold metal flakes. So the technique used is inlay, which is called Java sinarasah term. But this does not belong sinarasah real fame. Because fame is the decoration on the blade surface that occur due to the formation of layers of different metals, namely iron and titanium. Blackened iron, silver titaniumnya. Ancient weapons are Persian (Parsi) is not metal-plated, but merely made of steel.
In Indonesia, the kris is better than precious generally also decorated with gold, silver, diamonds, diamonds and other precious stones. These ornaments are made in recognition of the owner of the keris. Or can be a gift from the king for services keris owner. Decoration on a keris that has the highest value is given when kris kinatah it. Surface of a keris carved or etched to form a bas-relief (relief) and then overlaid with gold. Sometimes there is still added with diamond diamond ornaments. If kinatah closed one-third or more blades, called kinatah kamarugan. Kinatah motif types are manifold.